July 2017 Volunteer of the Month

Mary Poquette
Owner and Principal Consultant
Poquette Screening Solutions, LLC
My role at NAPBS is
I've been a member of the BSCC for four years and am incoming BSCC Chair. I serve as BSCC liaison to the Best Practices committee, am a member of the Best Practices Steering Committee, and a member of Litigation Avoidance. One of my special projects for the past 18 months has been leading a task force to update the BSAAP Accreditation Standard.
Why I wanted to volunteer with NAPBS
As a founding member of NAPBS, a member of the first Board of Directors, and an early Board Co-Chair, I can't imagine not being an NAPBS volunteer! The screening we do is so critically important and NAPBS brings that message front and center.
What I do when not at work
When it's summertime in Minnesota, I love to golf! (If you are familiar with BSAAP Accreditation audits, you know the term "Opportunity for Improvement - OFIs." So many OFIs in my golf game!)
What I'm reading
I just finished Black Book by James Patterson. I read a lot of fiction, especially mysteries and political intrigue; favorite authors include James Patterson, David Baldacci, Tom Clancy, and John Grisham.
Favorite blogs
I don't have a favorite, but I read most posts related to background screening, FCRA, and the industry.
On my desk right now (books, personal items, etc.)
Family photos, along with a printed, well worn copy of the FCRA (of course), a User Guide for Abode Captivate (an e-learning authoring tool I started to use recently), and ideas to rebrand my company website.