August 2018 Volunteer of the Month

Fred Giles
NetForce Global, LLC
My role at NAPBS is
To serve on those committees in which I can contribute. At one time or another I have served on almost every committee and council except Membership.
Why I wanted to volunteer with NAPBS
We are all responsible for working to protect, preserve and grow our profession. Working collaboratively with other like minded individuals is most effective and rewarding.
What I do when not at work
(Do those times exist?) Read, ride my motorcycle, visit with kids and grandkids, fix what needs repair around the house or yard.
What I'm reading
Just started The President is Missing by James Patterson and some other guy who wanted to be first gentleman.
Favorite blogs
I don't really have one I follow regularly, but I look for topics of interest or that are recommended to me.
On my desk right now (books, personal items, etc.)
Computer, monitor, phone, coffee (must have!) and a globe of the world so I don't get lost