October 2020 Volunteer of the Month

Carl Butler
Director of Screening Services
Agenda Screening Services
My role at PBSA is
I currently serve on the Europe Council Leadership for PBSA.
Why I wanted to volunteer with PBSA
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time as a volunteer on the PBSA Europe Council, initially getting involved as a stand-in for my old MD, Norman Mortell, nearly three years ago. Having seen the importance of a representative group, I’ve been keen to ensure that the Europe Council is as representative of the Europe region as possible and I’m pleased that Laura Rosianu of Romania-based screening company, MindIt, will take over as Chair for 2020/21 and help advance that strategy further.
I’d like to thank the PBSA for giving me the opportunity to engage with colleagues from companies that I’d probably never meet otherwise, as well as driving an agenda of global representation and information sharing.
What I do when not at work
I’ve spent over 20 years in the global outsourcing world, so unsurprisingly, I enjoy international travel and the opportunity to better understand different cultures. Wherever I go, I’m always on the look-out for great places to kayak, a hobby I’ve got into over the last few years, not just for the unique view of canals and rivers, but it’s great exercise.
What I'm reading
When it comes to filling more hours of leisure time, I’m a hoarder of non-fiction books on every subject; I love to know a little about everything! If you’re looking for something to read to stretch the mind, I’d recommend ‘Sapiens’, by Yuval Noah Harari. For something lighter, try ‘1,000 Unforgettable Senior Moments’, by Tom Friedman. For a more ‘people in business’ focused read, try ‘Servant Leadership in Action’, by Ken Blanchard & Renee Broadwell.