October 2018 Volunteer of the Month

Ory Tucker
Director of Background Screening Services
My role at NAPBS is
I am currently enjoying my time as a member of the Advocacy Committee.
Why I wanted to volunteer with NAPBS
NAPBS brings our passionate membership together so that we are able to collaborate on issues and guarantee we are able to keep doing our important work – volunteering is a simple way to ensure that I am contributing to our collective success!
What I do when not at work
Things have been so hectic lately that my favorite thing to do is embrace the quiet and read. I also tend to solve a lot of problems through shoe shopping and have been known to produce the occasional oil painting.
What I'm reading
I am a sucker for a good fantasy novel that doesn't take it's self too seriously... if you need a good vampire book recommendation, I'm your girl! At the moment I am rereading The Wild Rites Saga by Anna McIlwraith in anticipation of a new story coming soon. When I'm up for something a little more serious, I am working my way through Five Days in November by Clint Hill - it's a fascinating read about the JFK assassination from a Secret Service agent's point of view.
Favorite blogs
I don't follow any blogs these days but my colleagues are huge proponents of podcasts and BuzzFeed quizzes so peer pressure has me exploring a commitment to Pod Save America and Crimetown. I can also definitively say that if I was a dinosaur, I'd be a T-Rex.
On my desk right now (books, personal items, etc.)
My desk is a cornucopia of kitsch. From the barrel of monkeys covering the plant to more than one squirrel themed item – you can tell that my team's favorite phrase is "I saw this and thought of you..."