October 2017 Volunteer of the Month

Kerstin Bagus
Director, Global Initiatives
My role at NAPBS is
I have rolled off of the Board recently and am currently on the Education Committee, and helping Craig Caddell with the Global Learning Center. I also assist as requested by the Board or Melissa Sorenson on various projects, and support the Global Chapters.
Why I wanted to volunteer with NAPBS
I’ve been an NAPBS volunteer since 2005. It’s an incredible experience. Volunteering at NAPBS is my way of paying it forward and giving back to the community. I’ve met great people from all over the world who have taught me a lot about global screening. We have made excellent progress in our global Chapters, which is exciting to see. It’s fulfilling to be able to contribute back to the community what I have learned over the years.
What I do when not at work
Besides my work, Shackleton (my 10 year old cat), Boris (our yearling feline terror), and Bob (the spouse), my other great passion is the US National Park Service. I volunteer at the Chattahoochee National Recreation Area. They’ve sent me to Trail School to become certified to lead a trail crew. We build and maintain hiking trails, and try and keep visitors out of trouble. They’ve also sent me to classes learning how to lead groups on the water. Our Park spans 48 miles of the Chattahoochee River and we fish a lot of trash out of it. In addition to getting dirty doing manual labor, I help Park staff with special events. There are National Park units all over America and it is truly a national treasure. Go to www.nps.gov to find a Park unit near you or you can ask me.
What I'm reading
GDPR (the upcoming new EU privacy regulation). Not much of a plot but it is recommended reading for our industry. And it’s easier to understand than the FCRA. Well almost. Most of my other reading is keeping up with global issues such as cross border data transfers; the really exciting stuff. For fun I listen to podcasts. Planet Money, Startup, Park Leaders, and Creating Disney Magic are my favorites.
Favorite blogs
There are several privacy blogs and email mail newsletters I've been following to keep up with global data transfer requirements and ability to utilize data for background screening. Contact me if you would like referrals for any of these.
On my desk right now (books, personal items, etc.)
Several African Violets from home, since Boris (the feline terror) has attacked and just about killed very plant I had at home. I’ve shed most of the sticky notes and moved to Wunderlist.
Advice for others
Get involved. Don’t just be a member. You will learn so much more if you are involved in a committee or task force.