March 2019 Volunteer of the Month

Kathleen Nottingham
Director of Operations
My role at NAPBS is
co-chairing the Access Sub-committee with Kevin Horval. The sub-committee tackles any type of removal of public access or redaction of public record information at the county, state or federal levels. We have a wide range of committee members, ranging from court runners to small and large CRAs all with one common goal, to educate the courts, administrators and legislators on the importance of being accurate in reporting a candidate's background.
Why I wanted to volunteer with NAPBS
I joined the committee selfishly, to help me and my team tackle the access issues we have in our day to day jobs. And it has helped, we have had some great successes which benefit the entire committee and these wins are encouraging to continue to work to resolve more issues. We can make a difference. We have so many talented, respected and hardworking members of the committee, I not only get to share the wins with them but I am continuing learn from them and have developed some great professional relationships.
What I do when not at work
Spending time with family; traveling, walking, binge watching Netflix shows.
What I'm reading
Getting to Yes (Negotiating Agreement without Giving In) by Roger Fisher and William Ury
Favorite blogs
True Crime Podcast – Someone knows something
On my desk right now
Candles and pictures. I also have a ‘I Love Puerto Rico’ magnet given to me by our escalation team, they like to get me souvenirs of areas where we have had long outages of access to remind me of increased calls asking when access will be back up. At home I have a cutting board in the shape of the state of Arkansas they gave me for Christmas. I am secretly wishing for Hershey, PA to deny access to get something I really love on my desk.