April 2018 Volunteer of the Month

Katie Kulp
Vice President, Operations & Compliance
Chane Solutions
My role at NAPBS is
Co-Chair of the Government Relations Committee
Why I wanted to volunteer with NAPBS
By volunteering with NAPBS, I am able to give back to an association that has given me so much over the last ten years. NAPBS has provided me with a priceless industry education and armed me with tools and relationships which have helped me grow in both my personal and professional life. I am proud and happy to dedicate my time to serve our membership, especially those past leaders who have already spent time committed to serving and our newer members who may only be in the beginning stages of learning what NAPBS is all about. Volunteers are how we propel NAPBS' mission forward - I am hoping to lead by example.
What I do when not at work
Nothing makes me happier than spending free time with my three favorite people: My husband, Tim, and my two daughters, Brinley and Gemma.
What I'm reading
Behind Closed Doors by A. Paris. For the record, I started this book about 6 months ago. Where is all that free time??
Favorite blogs
No favorite blogs here – the only daily reading I seem to go after is industry news! #nerdalert - I know.
On my desk right now (books, personal items, etc.)
Two Milky Way Darks (priorities), manila folders with paperwork, more Post-its than I'd like to have, a coffee cup with water in it that I haven't made time to drink - as usual - and pictures of my amazing family surrounding all of these things. (...Thankfully, I don’t see any disputes.)