LA Public Record/Court Access Information


Join PBSA to stay informed about legislation affecting screening, access practical guidance and other resources, hear about the latest industry news and trends, and network with others in the screening industry.

Membership benefits your company in many ways:

  • Keeps you informed and broadens your perspective
    Stay up to date on the latest news and information on industry trends, practical guidance, and legislation affecting the screening industry. You’ll receive exclusive, members-only electronic publications and advisories to make it easy to stay informed.
  • Delivers knowledge from industry experts
    Expand your knowledge by attending webinars or educational sessions at the conferences where you’ll take away valuable information and resources to benefit your specific business goals.
  • Helps you network
    Meet other like-minded professionals, mentors and friends through PBSA conferences and online forums.




Note: Membership in PBSA is optional. There is no law or regulation mandating that you maintain membership in PBSA or other association. Thank you for choosing to be a part of PBSA where our mission is to advance excellence in the screening profession.


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