Sessions will begin on Friday morning at the Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel.
8:30 - 9:00 am | Registration | |
9:00 am - 9:40 am | Welcome & APAC Business Address |
Shakil Gour, Neeyamo Enterprise Solutions Pvt. Ltd. |
9:40 am - 10:00 am |
PBSA General Accreditation - What's Next and How to Prepare Interested in learning more about this exciting new accreditation program, what it can mean for your business, how to prepare, and what's next? Then this is a must- attend overview for you and your organization. |
Melissa Sorenson, PBSA Executive Director |
10:00 am - 10:45 am |
Keynote Presentation- Web 3.0 – Identity, data ownership and implications for background check service providers Web 2.0 is characterised by a hub-and-spoke model to data capture and data control, whereby users interact with central platforms that capture and often then exploit user and usage data. In contrast, Web 3.0 will enable individuals to capture and control their own data. In a Web 3.0 environment, background check service providers will need to interact with subjects to a much greater extent than at present. Furthermore, data may only be made available for specific purposes, and on a time-limited basis. This session will introduce Web 3.0 and how the new internet architecture is expected to impact data ownership and control. The objective will be to arm attendees with knowledge which enables them to consider and prepare for likely impacts to data access and their business models |
Matthew Lovatt |
10:45 am - 11:15 am | Tea Break | |
11:15 am - 12:00 pm |
Global Privacy – A Secret No More Join us for a review of global privacy principles as they pertain to the screening industry. We will include a discussion about new trends in privacy impacting our industry and customers. Privacy requirements expand across companies and borders, as do your vendors. The discussion will include privacy implications with vendors. |
Kerstin Bagus, Netforce Global Andy Hellman, Reali Data Solutions, LLC |
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm |
COVID Recovery - Smooth Sailing or Stormy Seas? Panelists will discuss the pandemic’s impact on business strategy and operations. How did their companies react and adjust from the pandemic, lockdowns and health, economic, and workforce challenges? How will this shape the future outlook for PBSA members? |
Moderator: Panelists: |
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Lunch | |
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm |
What Roles a CRA Can Play in the Block Chain Blockchain technology has been making waves in the recent past across industries that involve real estate, supply chain & logistics, cross-border payments, Cryptocurrency exchange, Personal identity security – to name a few. Blockchain uses a shared and permanent ledger that can be accessed by authorized users with the data owners’ consent. The technology provides enhanced security, data transparency, automation and instantaneous traceability, that are prized factors among players in the background screening industry. But you must be wondering how do you or your organization get involved in this ecosystem. This session will provide valuable insights in terms of various roles that a CRA/background screening organization can play and their benefits. You will also hear about how screening industry players or other interlinked industries are adopting this technology from the leaders of Velocity Network Foundation who have set-out to create a program that is vendor-neutral and non- profit with the aim to transform global businesses using future-ready technology. The foundation builds and operates the infrastructure, toolset and common technology across multiple providers to help create a consortium of verified wallets – the end result that can help revolutionize the background screening industry, as we know it. |
Shraddha Deshpande, Neeyamo |
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm | The Ins and Outs of Drug & Alcohol Testing | Ben Chan, ClarityScreening |
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm | Tea Break and Member Feedback | Kannan Chettiar, Avvanz Pte Ltd |
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm |
Opportunities, Challenges & Threats to the Background Screening Industry In a globalised world where remote and hybrid workforces become commonplace, trust and compliance are more important than ever. Further, with the introduction of digital credentials and identities, innovation from tech companies and employers looking to streamline the recruitment process - what are the opportunities challenges and threats to the background screening industry?
Sponsored by |
Moderator: |
6:00 pm - until |
Closing Dinner Sponsored by |
The Blue Ginger Restaurant- A shuttle will be departing from the Marriott for the restaurant at 5:30 pm for a short 15 minute trip. Included in registration fee. |